Waste to Energy (W2E)

Waste-to-Energy (W2E) is a process that converts waste into electricity, and/or heat.


The objective of W2E is to reduce the amount of municipal waste in fresh or landfill streams and to create a more sustainable future.

Our W2E consultants can assist organisations in conducting LCAs to evaluate the environmental impact of W2E technologies, and solutions whilst identifying opportunities for improvement. Additionally, we can provide guidance on the development of sustainable waste management programs and support the implementation of W2E projects.

Transforming Waste into Energy

Our Circular Economy; Using Waste as Renewable Energy​

Our state-of-the-art engineering and knowledge in process and pollution control systems combined with our practical approach to sustainability means that we can meet and strive to exceed the strictest environmental guidelines and regulations with a comprehensive service that includes project initiation , development design, equipment installation and commissioning; ensuring that the entire process is seamless and efficient. In addition, with Continuum Energy’s strong focus on enabling circular economies, we provide a holistic analysis and life-cycle-assessment service of any potential by-products which may be produced so that they too can be used to ensure a fully sustainable solution covering all bases in the transition to a greener future where pollutant waste materials are transformed into commercial resources.

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Waste to energy technologies provided by Continuum Energy are a superior solution when compared to traditional waste disposal methods such as landfill for several reasons:

  1. First and foremost, waste to energy technologies convert waste materials into usable and economical renewable energy, which not only reduces waste volumes but also provides a valuable resource for green energy production. This energy can be used to power homes and businesses whilst simultaneously reducing our reliance on non-renewable/fossil fuel energy sources and decreasing our carbon footprint.
  2. Additionally, waste to energy technologies reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, along with the additional wastes produced from landfills including significant sources of greenhouse gas emissions and general land, water and other air pollutants. As organic waste materials decompose in landfills, they release methane gas, a potent greenhouse gas that is approximately 28 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide. Our Waste to Energy technology coupled with its careful process control produces less methane and other greenhouse gasses which are then captured and converted into renewable energy, thereby reducing the amount of total greenhouse gasses released into the atmosphere. By diverting waste materials from landfills and instead converting them into energy, waste to energy technologies help to mitigate these harmful emissions and environmental pollutants.
  3. Furthermore, waste to energy technologies provide a great opportunity to reinforce a circular economy solution for previously discarded waste materials, as they promote the recycling, reuse and transformation of waste materials into valuable resources whilst also freeing up land previously used for landfilling for redevelopment.

- Waste to energy & Gasification -

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